The team

The piano: Simone Brocard

The piano:  

The violin:     

Guitar / ukulele / flute / saxophone: Christian Goza


~ Simone Brocard


Founder of Ludissima. From a family of musicians and painters. Fully trained as a teacher by the Conservatoire Cantonal de Geneve and by a French concert performer , thus acquired her love for the magic and emotions of music.
From this inheritance, Simone created Ludissima’s philosophy with the intention of passing on the baton to all her pupils and students.
Initially taught piano in Valais under the Conservatoire Cantonal who were seduced by her original teaching methods and by the impressive results she achieved..


~ Christian Goza


From Santiago du Chili, Christian arrived in Geneva With his classical guitarist diplôma in hand granted by his professor, Fernando Carrasco. To this, he added 2 new instruments : Flute and Saxophone Alto & Soprano.
Christian, not stopped by his classical background, openned himself and was attracted to acquire all style of music ranging from Pop, Jazz, South American folksongs, Celtic music and so on
He dedicates himself to the passion he has for the worldmusic types.
Christian enchants his public playing into various groups, such as Mariachi Quetzal and Quilapayun respectively Mexican and Andean folksongs as well as new Chilian music and also within ”Alouane“, a celtic musical group.
He teaches Guitar in all its facets ; Flute, Saxopphone and also several South American instruments (Quena, Pan’s flute, Charango and Venezuelian Cuatro..
Joining the Ludissima Team is very natural for Christian as, as he says in his own words ”I am to be part of the Ludissima Academy because I fully adhere to its teaching philosophy which is totally in With my own conception of teaching music.“